Westport Museum

Upcoming Events


Calendar of Events

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M Mon

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F Fri

S Sat

1 event,

Westport-wide Scavenger Hunt

2 events,


Destination Westport: In Gatsby’s Shoes

1 event,

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0 events,

1 event,


Destination Westport Walking Tour: Evergreen Burial Ground

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0 events,

0 events,

0 events,

0 events,

0 events,

0 events,

0 events,

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0 events,

1 event,

Felt Pumpkin Kits

1 event,

1 event,

2 events,


“Who Was Accused in the Salem Witch Trials?: Tituba” with Illustrator Rowan MacColl

Like our programs? We’d appreciate your support! Suggested donation of $5 continues our unique programming. Visit our donation form.

Past Events

Browse recent events hosted by the Westport Museum for History and Culture. For more information about these events, please contact our team.