Focus On The Porretta Family: Drawing Strength from Memory

Along with everyone, our daily routine has disappeared. We are building new routines together and making efforts to stay connected to our work and school networks for community and mutual support. 

In our busy world, with all of the pressures we experience daily, we have found, as a family, despite the seriousness of this moment, solace and comfort in not having any reason to run off but to simply be together. Family stories of surviving the war in Europe (WWII) have always communicated a sense of what is important. We draw strength from these memories and connections. 

We deeply appreciate what the town has done in communicating in a timely way with us as much useful and important information as possible. We have felt the effort and dedication to continuing this flow of information and have come to rely on it as a guide for our life here in Westport. 

Conversely, in the face of our 24-hour media coverage the disparate messages can feel enervating and even disappointing. As in times without a crisis like this, the way the larger national “community” is portrayed in the media can feel like a thousand fissures. Yet we have seen much deeper connection and care represented on social media, where people are posting their experiences, wishes, hopes and appreciation for those in the community and healthcare that are fighting so hard to respond to this crisis.

people are posting their experiences, wishes, hopes and appreciation for those in the community and healthcare that are fighting so hard to respond to this crisis.

We appreciate how care and concern can grow in a moment like this. We appreciate the work and effort many are making behind the scenes to extend support to others. We feel it is our responsibility to understand that our actions, now, matter for future generations. To not miss this opportunity. To make certain they don’t suffer in this same way. To prepare. To become better and give that to the future.

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